RSE-SEE-7 Speakers

Featured plenary speakers

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Miran Gaberšček, Lithium – sulfur batteries: state of the art and prospects.

Miran Gaberšček is Head of Department for Materials Chemistry at the National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2009 he has also been the Director of Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia (the Centre joins 4 academic institutions and 10 industrial partners in Slovenia). Since 2003 he has been affiliated to the University of Ljubljana where he currently holds the position of Full Professor for the field of Materials Science. The primary research field of Professor M. Gaberšček has been novel electrochemical systems for energy storage and conversion (more specifically: primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells). In particular, he has been focused on explanation of complex charge transport and reaction mechanisms in these devices. Together with coworkers he has invented various novel or significantly improved active materials.Professor Miran Gaberšček has published about 200 papers in international journals, some of them in most prestigious journals such as Nature Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials and others. His research team regularly cooperates with the most prestigious international research institutes as well as with prominent industrial partners such as Brightsource, Alanod, Renault, Volvo, Saft, Honda and others.

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Francois Lapicque, Electrolytic Iron production from alkaline suspensions of solid oxides: compared cases of hematite, iron ores or iron-containing processing waste

Francois Lapicque is currently CNRS Research Professor in Reactions and Chemical Engineering Laboratory (CNRS-Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, France). Graduated in chemical engineering in 1979 in Nancy, Engineer doctor in 1983, Sciences Doctor in 1987. CNRS Senior scientist in electrochemical engineering for 1983. Along the years, he worked on electroorganic synthesis, electrochemical processes for air and water treatment, metal and alloy deposition, waste treatment and beneficiation and engineering issues in fuel cells and energy conversion. Professor Francois Lapicque has published approx. 180 papers in journals, 43 PhD students, current collaborations with other French labs in Lorraine, Marseilles, CEA, Tunis and Offenburg, as well as with industrial research centers (ArcelorMittal, Extracthive, R. Bosch GmbH). He had led the EFCE Party on Electrochemical Engineering from 2002 and 2006 and was chairperson in Division 5 of the ISE in the period 2012-2016.

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Arjan Mol, In-situ electrochemical, microscopic and spectroscopic studies of local corrosion and buried metal-polymer interfaces

Arjan Mol obtained his PhD-degree in 2000 at the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department of the Delft University of Technology (DUT) on the study of the effects of microstructural variations in aluminium alloy surfaces on filiform corrosion properties. He continued his career as a project- and team leader ‘Structural lifetime of building and civil engineering structures’ for 6 years at the Dutch Applied Research Organisation TNO. As from 2006 Arjan Mol returned to DUT-MSE and now is Full Professor ‘Corrosion Technology and Electrochemistry’. As from 2017, he is also Honorary Professor at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China. Besides, Arjan Mol is Working party Chairman ‘Physico-chemical methods for Corrosion Research’ and in the period of 2014-2016 he was Chairman of the Scientific and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) of the European Corrosion Federation EFC ( In 2016 he was elected to become Vice-President of the EFC, and as such Member of the Board of Administrators, as from 2017. As from 2019 he is President of the EFC. The EFC is the biggest corrosion organisation in Europe and one of the largest in the world, representing over 38 national corrosion, engineering and materials societies with members from 25 European countries and an increasing number of international members outside of Europe. Furthermore, he is member of the International Scientific Committee as well as Co-Chairman of the yearly European Corrosion Conference Eurocorr (, typically attracting 1000-1500 participants from all over the globe. Since 2010 Arjan Mol is also the Dutch Representative Member of the International Corrosion Council ICC ( Arjan Mol has published over 150 Web of Science listed papers in international peer refereed scientific journals, 14 book chapters, 1 book as co-editor and over 100 international conference proceeding papers. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s “Corrosion Science”.


Hans Ulrich Guth, Gas Sensing Technologies in Combustion: A Comprehensive Review

Ulrich Guth received his Ph. D. in physical chemistry from the University of Greifswald, Germany in 1975. In 1993, he became professor for solid state chemistry at the University of Greifswald. Since 1999 he is working as director of Kurt-Schwabe-Institute for Measuring and Sensor Technology and professor for physical chemistry especially sensor and measuring technology at Dresden University of Technology. 2010 he was retired (Professor emeritus). His principle research interests include solid electrolyte sensors, fuel cells and new materials for high temperature sensors and high temperature fuel cells.

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Daria Vladikova, Advancements  in the Electrochemical Testing and Characterization of  Power Sources

Daria Vladikova is professor in Electrochemistry in the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She has a PhD in Solid State Chemistry and a D.Sc. in Electrochemistry. She has worked in the field of Crystal Growth and Materials Science.  In the last 15 years she is working on Electrochemical characterization of fuel cells and batteries . She is the author of more than 100 scientific publications with 400 citations, co-author of one monograph, a chapter in Encyclopedia on Power Sources (Elsevier), 5 chapters in collective monographs in the field of energy sources. She has been awarded with Herman Gohr Award by the European Fuel Cell Forum. She is coordinator of the National Distributed Infrastructure “Energy Storage and Hydrogen Energetics”, member of the Scientific Committee of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and President of the Bulgarian Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Energy Storage Association.

Keynote speakers

Jiří Barek, Charles University in Prague, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic 
Novel electrode materials and arrangements for sensing biologically active organic compounds

Jenia Georgieva, N. Dimitrova, S. Sotiropoulos,  T. Boiadjieva-Scherzer, Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
A new environment-sparing method for preparation of nanomaterials applicable in fuel cells and electrolyzers

Anton (Tone) Kokalj, Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 
Molecular modeling of corrosion inhibitors: a search for physically sounds descriptors.       

Jiří Ludvík, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Stereoelectrochemistry of reducible calix[4]arenes 

Nicolas Murer, Bio-Logic SAS, France
The effects of time-variance on impedance measurements: examples on a corroding electrode and a battery cell

Géza Nagy, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Department of General and Physical Chemistry, Hungary
Results achieved fitting to and using SECM in corrosion experiments

Nebojša Nikolić, University of Belgrade, ICTM-Department of Electrochemistry, Belgrade, Serbia  
Formation of disperse deposits by electrolysis: morphology, structure and mechanism

Helena Otmačić-Ćurković, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 
Comparison of the protective properties of fatty acid films prepared by different application methods 

Tamás Pajkossy, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
A fifty-years old problem re-visited: the voltammograms of diffusion controlled reactions

Igor Pašti, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Computationally driven development of novel electrocatalysts