RSE SEE 7 Program

Hotel Park, Split, Croatia, May 27-30, 2019

The Book of Abstracts

Poster board dimensions: 95X235 cm. It is recommended the poster size of 80 x 120 cm.


Conference program is available for dowload below. Please note that this is still not the final version of the program. Some modifications are still to be expected until the symposium start.

If PDF does not appear in your browser you can download the program from here.



Please find below the overall schedule of the conference. More detailed schedule you can downlaod from the following link.

overall schedule

 The workings of the RSE-SEE-7 Meeting will be divided through the 8 sessions:

  • Batteries and electrochemical energy storage
  • Corrosion science and protection
  • Electrochemical engineering
  • Electroanalytical chemistry and sensors
  • Organic electrochemistry and bioelectrochemistry
  • Physical electrochemistry
  • Materials and electrochemical processing
  • General topics
  • 8th Kurt Schwabe symposium

8th Kurt Schwabe symposium (KSS-8) will take place as a separate session with the electroanalysis/electrochemical sensors as a main topic. 

Participants are encouraged to select a session for their presentation during abstract submission.