Memory to Professor Zdravko Stoynov

Stoynov memory


Having had two Doctorate degrees (Chemistry and Technical Sciences), prof. Zdravko Stoynov was a director of Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES)  of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), excellent electrochemist, father of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) technique and Differential  Impedance Analysis (DIA), popular teacher to many students and colleagues, author of many scientific papers and books, organizer of numerous national and international conferences and winner of many awards. 

Being all that was the integral part of his outstanding personality characterized by wide intellectual scope, academic austerity and high sense of humour.

Prof. Zdravko Stoynov will be remembered  in the world of electrohemistry community for what he was, an extraordinary scientist and remarkable person.

Read an article about Professor Zdravko Stoynov.