jESE Special Issue

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The Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering (jESE), official journal of the Association of South-East European Electrochemists (ASEEE), traditionally publishes Special Issues dedicated to the biannual Regional Symposia on Electrochemistry - Southeast Europe. This year, Special Issue is dedicated to 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – South East Europe

It is planned that a Special Issue will contain the papers of all Plenary lecturers, as well as selected papers of Keynote lecturers and other participants.

Guest editors:

Branimir Grgur, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Igor Pašti, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia


The deadline for submitting papers is October 1, 2024, and the planned publication time is the first quarter of 2025.

Papers must be submitted in the form defined in the journal's Author guidelines, through the jESE publication platform.